Saturday, December 30
> St. James suck.
I just got home from St James. The worst clubbing place i ever went thus far. My gawd!
Cynthia's 19th birthday celebration with my other babes. We had dinner at this super wulu place called The Wine Company. I was starving like a hungry ghost. Wine was okay, but i needed food food, not finger food.
Pictures would be up soon, i guess.
Anyway, all i wanna say is that i miss him and i wish i could see him. I wonder if this is a one-sided thing, or does he feel the same way about me too.
Its such a torture to be secretly in love with someone. Freaking tormenting.
Housewarming tomorrow. Yummy food!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:53:00 am
Thursday, December 28
> screwed up timings
My sleeping hours are so screwed these days. Many times i wanna sleep early and wake up early to absorb the morning rays (if there is).
Last night, i couldnt get to sleep as usual, my sister and i started to go a little cranky. We played mastermind and uno stacko at like 2am in the morning cos we were just too bored. Then, we sang ktv at 3am because we were bored of the games. At 4am, we decided to go get some rest but we ended up taking a hell lot of crazy pictures on the bed and had our own mambo jambo night. Then we started playing scissors paper stone, chopsticks and many other finger games till we got tired and fell asleep.
As a result, i couldnt wake up this morning for project meeting with Denise.
I wake up at 4pm almost every day to see the sun shinning so brightly and i'll hurriedly call Jeffrey to go blading but the very next moment, it would start pouring. Damn irritating!
I've been home since Monday except for Death Note 2 with Jeffrey on Tuesday night. Im so bored! I hope the rain stops so we can go Zara Sales and probably supper tonight since Ian is back from London.
Rain rain go away!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:19:00 pm
Wednesday, December 27
> i shouldnt be in love
I set my alarm at 9am this morning hoping to get myself beautifully tanned but i was feeling so down last night i couldnt get to sleep till 5.30am so naturally i couldnt wake up in time for the tanning session. What a waste, the sun was so scorching hot this morning!
Now that its raining, my heart became heavy once again. Im feeling so emo these days because i dont know if i should let him know how i feel for him. Sounds crazy but true, i need a miracle too.
Locking myself up in the room, watching the tyra show, waiting for the sun to shine again. Fuck these emo thoughts.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:47:00 pm
Monday, December 25
> merry xmas !
Last night while smoking alone at the entrance of my old home after all the eating and drinking and gambling and photo-taking and making merry,
I had the sudden urge to call and tell him that
i love him.
watch this space for x'mas celebration update.Merry xmas all, love.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:30:00 pm
Saturday, December 23
> townie with love
Accompanied Shalyn for audition yesterday at some wuluwulu place and got approached by this caucasian in his late 20s who claimed that he just graduated from NUS and is gonna do his Masters in UK, drives an evo and wishes to be my friend. But i lied that ive a boyfriend who wouldnt be please about it and he started asking me questions about him which i cant really give him an answer because he doesnt even exist in the first place. Okay damn random. But freaking amusing.
Hit town after that to meet Leonard, XiaoHei, Kapo + girlfriend and Nicky. Freaking long since i met them. Did some catching up before we bid goodbye. Lord knows when i'll see em again.

I miss Shalyn truckloads!

And Leonard too!

And guys can never take a decent picture.
Here's one picture to end this off,

But no, dont think so much into it.
note to self: im feeling fuckin' emo right now.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:01:00 am
Sunday, December 17
> more ramblings
I met Nigel in town last night for Eragon. I think the movie's great and imma rating it 4 outta 5 popcorns. Ling was in the same theatre as me but i only saw her when the movie ended.
Before the movie started, we had drinks at the observation lounge of Meridien Mandarin and also did the most outrageous thing ever (for me at least). Haa! Really nice place at the 38th level, superb view but beats nothing compared to the rooftop of Pan Pacific. Oh wells.
Then we headed down to East Coast for some sea breeze and silly chats under the starry sky. Lots more stars last night compared to the times ive been there. The past start running back to my mind and i almost wanna cry, but i didnt because it was supposed to be a happy occasion.
Had a great date with Nigel, that's all i can say.
Im supposed to wake up at 9am despite reaching home past 4am last night (this morning rather) for a good brown tan but i overslept till now and thank God it rained, so i dont feel so bad anymore. Meeting Jeffrey to refine and master our blading skills so it wont be another nightmare for me when i blade to school again.
Term break is here, but projects, reports and term test will so gonna take up my entire holiday. =( Cant wait for Monday night when Leonard and I will have supper at Simpang and thrash out our emo thoughts.
My thumb was swollened as big as a chicken drumstick the other day so i went to the chinese pysician and she bandaged it up like a chicken thigh with smelly medication that really stinks. It's still swollen now and hurts pretty badly when i overuse my right thumb. Cant really write and i cant hold anything heavier than a mahjong tile. Haa!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:43:00 pm
Thursday, December 14
> my 2cents worth
You know, people tend to take things for granted. And human, having a common trait of selfishness and hypocrisy, makes me think about what kinda category im classified under.
I bet many of you had already realised the importance of a certain thing or person only when you've lost it. (not that im currently losing anything or anyone)
Its like, i never really bothered about his existence during the weekdays, especially during my internship period cos life was pretty mundane then. Its only during the weekends would then i remember that he's around.
Now that the new semester has started and life had returned back on track, i start thinking more and more during the weekdays and start wondering "why havent he called me the entire week?"
Then it got me thinking a little harder, "why should i even bother whether he calls me during the weekdays or not? He doesnt even have to call me during the weekends either, and on what ground should i be so affected about?"
Well, i dont know. I think im thinking a little too much once again. It must be the new house, new room, new environment, new atmosphere. I can see the pool from where i am now and its turning me emo.
And all of you gotta agree with me that moving house is a terrible chore!
Oh yes, i took my napfa test today and i returned home drenched in perspiration and raindrops, 5 freaking heavy packets of food, a sprained thumb that is very much handicapped now and a failed 2.4km run by a few seconds.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:04:00 pm
Tuesday, December 12
> 3 days to goodbye

Vivo-ed with Denise on Friday afternoon with a new dress before mahjong at night.
Im leaving this place on Thursday. Leaving this house ive lived in for 5 years, leaving this room i spent most of my time in, leaving this neighbourhood i grew up in.
Moving to Bedok aint such a bad thing afterall, because ive many friends living just a stone's throw away. And school's just opposite my residence, parted by the reservoir. But leaving Marine Parade brings me so much unhappiness, cos ive many friends living here as well. I foresee lesser late nights with Raymond, lesser "lets-go-to-parkway-since-we-have-nothing-to-do" days, lesser walking through the underpass to East Coast in 10 minutes just to feel the breeze and admire the deep blue sea and its tranquility, lesser Katong days....
Ohhhhh, this is so depressing.
I really really love Marine Parade but i still have to go. On the other hand, hello to my new neighbours like Denise, Quek, YaoWei, Marcel, Jeffrey, Jordan blahblah and blahblahblah, hello 85 and Simpang for supper, hello to tanning anytime anyday, hello to "lets-work-those-fats-out" at the gym, hello to overcoming my phobia of waters for i shall swim as and when i like (yes i can even just jump from my balcony straight down to the pool, not kidding).
New semester of school, new environment, new year, new me, new life, new love.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:20:00 am
Sunday, December 10
> M.O.S
Adrian's 21st long overdue picture which i finally remembered to scan for him.

MOS-ed last night with Adrian, his sister and boyfriend. I had a pretty bad day and i just needed to step outta my house for a breather. Didnt really had the intention to club because i know it would be freaking packed and i never really liked clubbing.

Yada yada, but still i ended up in MOS pushing among the crowd. Had a table over at the VIP area where there's much more space to at least dance. Many many familiar faces i saw last night, which wasnt the least surprising. Cabbed home with my sister after that.
I shall stop thinking about late nights so i can focus on my studies. One last lap to go. I must be able to make it. I can make it!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:08:00 pm
Thursday, December 7
> P.O.P loh!
Yesterday, i skipped lecture just to go to Tekong for Raymond's Passing Out Parade. My sister and I sat there on a backless bench for 2 hours before the parade commence.
Lucky for her, she had her ipod video to keep her accompany.

While i, stared at the empty parade square

and the blue cloudy sky

sweating buckets at the same time.
And finally, the recruits start marching in,

But i couldnt spot Raymond at all because all of them looked the same to me. He told me he would be standing on the right, but he meant my right and i thought he was referring to the right marker. So when the emcee said that its time to put on the jockey cap for their son, everyone rushed down to the parade square.

My sister and i panicked because we couldnt find Raymond!! Almost all the soldiers had their jockey cap on but we were still searching high and low for recruit Hsiao. wah lau! Raymond panicked too, cos he thought we played him out. HAHA
And finally!

I met Eleanor, Jasmine, Kevin and Tiong Meng there too! And i also saw Quek's drill performance.

Eleanor, Kevin, myself and Raymond
And so,

P.O.P loh!!
We headed back to Raymond's place cos he was stinking bad before picking up his bro and had a buffet dinner at a Japanese restaurant at some country club. Private Hsiao's treat! Damn yummy and i was so bloated i almost burst.
Went to the studio to jam after that while my sister tried to learn the guitar and the drums which almost caused Raymond to go berserk. hahaha!
Sheesha tonight with Private Hsiao and Private Wee and i dont know who else.
Vivocity tomorrow with Denise!
Bye for now.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:19:00 pm
Monday, December 4
> New bangs.
The day before the haircut, in Ad's car.

And the day after the haircut at Shenton Way Partyworld with my sister, Alan and James.

Omg. I cant recognise myself anymore. Thank God attachment's over, and i wont be seeing uncle in this hairdo.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:46:00 pm
Sunday, December 3
> it ends tonight.
SIP's has now come to an end. I left the company at 6.45pm on Friday with no regrets. My colleagues gave me gifts that were so sweet and touching, and uncle actually bothered walking to my desk again just to tell me he left the documents on my table when i was away from my desk.
I wanted to stare at him in his eyes more, but when our eyes met it instantly looked away because i was too nervous. haa!
Well anyway, i caught Casino Royale with Adrian and family on Friday night before Raymond picks me in town from Katong back to Simpang for supper and then i sent his friends home driving his car. Damn nervous can! I almost met with an accident.
Then came Saturday where Raymond picks me up to town to get my long awaited Guess bag that took up 1/3 of my pay and we had Pepper Lunch for dinner because we were both craving for it. After which he went back to the studio to jam while i met Denise, Celine, Teddy and Marcel for dvds at E-games chamber.
Afterwhich, i met Adrian again with Nicholas and all to Boat Quay but i dont really like the place and the people there so i left with Adrian to pick his sister and boyfriend up and sent them home before we went to get supper and headed off to Baywater to chilll.
My life, is THAT mundane.
Im gonna have a hair cut later. I give it a darker tone but ive decided not to since i just splurged on my new bag. Shall wait for CNY to come first. Am gonna meet James and Alan after i dont know how many months since we last met for ktv.
And before i know it, school's starting tomorrow. bah
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:25:00 pm